
"There are pitfalls in this language???!??!?"

-- The uninitiated

importing nixpkgs with an empty attrset

ever had this in your flake.nix

  outputs = { nixpkgs, ... }@inputs: let
    pkgs = import nixpkgs {};
    lib = nixpkgs.lib;
  in {
    # ...

... and got fucked with this?

       … while checking flake output 'nixosConfigurations'

         at /nix/store/lz2ra1180qfffmpwg41jpyg1z602qdgx-source/flake.nix:50:5:

           49|   in {
           50|     nixosConfigurations = {
             |     ^
           51|       koumakan = (import ./systems/koumakan { inherit pkgs lib inputs; });

       … while checking the NixOS configuration 'nixosConfigurations.koumakan'

         at /nix/store/lz2ra1180qfffmpwg41jpyg1z602qdgx-source/flake.nix:51:7:

           50|     nixosConfigurations = {
           51|       koumakan = (import ./systems/koumakan { inherit pkgs lib inputs; });
             |       ^
           52|     };

       (stack trace truncated; use '--show-trace' to show the full trace)

       error: attribute 'currentSystem' missing

       at /nix/store/5c0k827yjq7j24qaq8l2fcnsxp7nv8v1-source/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix:17:43:

           16|   # (build, in GNU Autotools parlance) platform.
           17|   localSystem ? { system = args.system or builtins.currentSystem; }
             |                                           ^

just don't!!!11 remove the pkgs definition. (note that this only applies to pkgs = import nixpkgs {};)


you shouldn't ever really import nixpkgs with an empty attrset either

that causes it to fall back on guessing your system using builtins.currentSystem, which is impure and so not allowed in pure evaluation mode

—- @getchoo