- Welcome to the Cow
- Documentation
- 1. Tips and Tricks
- 1.1. Overriding packages
- 1.2. Overlays
- 1.3. "Global" Options
- 1.4. Passing large secrets to DynamicUser=true services
- 1.5. Miscellaneous Tips
- 1.6. Pitfalls
- 2. Utility Functions
- 2.1. mkVhost
- 2.2. mkSimpleProxy
- 2.3. genSecrets
- 2.4. setupSecrets
- 2.5. mkNginxFile
- 2.6. mkNginxJSON
- Internal documentation
3. "Private" use
- 3.1. Ports
- 3.2. External Untracked Files
3.3. Presets
- 3.3.1. certificates
- 3.3.2. nginx
- 3.3.3. vmetrics