Utility Functions

In this section you will find various utility functions available in this flake.

You are free to use them as you wish if you find them useful.

Watch out! Here's a hint box!

Hint Box

Please take care when using these functions. They are opinionated by nature and are designed to be used on our systems.

There is a high chance for you to be discontent with them. In which case, please feel free to copy them and adapt them to your needs.

Also what in the world? Is that discrimination against hint boxes? I demand this be rectified immediately!

Getting started

You first need to import this flake as an input.

If you don't know how to do so, you should not be here. Please refer to various Nix documentation first, then come back. Using these utilities when you're just starting out causes unnecessary pain later on when it doesn't match your needs.

For NixOS users, it is possible to make the utils module "globally" available in your NixOS configuration modules. To do so, please refer to Tips/"Global" Options.

We are dogfooding on these functions ourselves so they should be relatively error-free. If you encounter unexpected behavior though, do reach out and open an issue/send us a message. We won't bite. Promise.

Hint Box

Hey! Are you even listening?